from rdkit import Chem
import rdkit
import time
Sat Mar 15 18:36:20 2025
March 16, 2025
This is a revised and expanded version of an old blog post which has already been updated once.
Goal: construct a set of molecular pairs that can be used to compare similarity methods to each other.
This works with ChEMBL35.
I want to start with molecules that have some connection to each other, so I will pick pairs that have a baseline similarity: a Tanimoto similarity using count based Morgan0 fingerprints of at least 0.65. I also create a second set of somewhat more closely related molecules where the baseline similarity is 0.55 with a Morgan1 fingerprint. The thresholds were selected based on the analysis in this blog post
If you are interested in using the sets generated in this post, you can find them in the source repo for this blog.
I’m going to use ChEMBL as my data source, so I’ll start by adding a table with count-based morgan fingerprints. Here’s the SQL for that, assuming that you’ve installed the RDKit extension and setup an RDKit schema as described in the docs
select molregno,morgan_fp(m,0) mfp0,morgan_fp(m,1) mfp1,morgan_fp(m,2) mfp2 into rdk.countfps from rdk.mols;
create index cfps_mfp0 on rdk.countfps using gist(mfp0);
create index cfps_mfp1 on rdk.countfps using gist(mfp1);
create index cfps_mfp2 on rdk.countfps using gist(mfp2);
Fingerprints that only contains molecules with <= 50 heavy atoms and a single fragment (we recognize this because there is no ‘.’ in the SMILES):
select molregno,mfp0,mfp1 into table rdk.tfps_smaller from rdk.countfps join compound_properties using (molregno) join compound_structures using (molregno) where heavy_atoms<=50 and canonical_smiles not like '%.%';
create index sfps_mfp0_idx on rdk.tfps_smaller using gist(mfp0);
create index sfps_mfp1_idx on rdk.tfps_smaller using gist(mfp1);
And now I’ll build the set of pairs using Python. This is definitely doable in SQL, but my SQL-fu isn’t that strong.
Start by getting a set of 60K random small molecules:
Sat Mar 15 18:36:20 2025
import psycopg2
cn = psycopg2.connect(host='localhost',dbname='chembl_35')
curs = cn.cursor()
curs.execute("select chembl_id,m from rdk.mols join rdk.tfps_smaller using (molregno)"
" join chembl_id_lookup on (molregno=entity_id and entity_type='COMPOUND')"
" order by random() limit 60000")
qs = curs.fetchall()
And now find one neighbor for 50K of those from the mfp0 table of smallish molecules:
curs.execute('set rdkit.tanimoto_threshold=0.65')
for i,row in enumerate(qs):
curs.execute("select chembl_id,m from rdk.mols join (select chembl_id,molregno from rdk.tfps_smaller "
"join chembl_id_lookup on (molregno=entity_id and entity_type='COMPOUND') "
"where mfp0%%morgan_fp(%s,0) "
"and chembl_id!=%s limit 1) t2 using (molregno) "
"limit 1",(row[1],row[0]))
d = curs.fetchone()
if not d:
if len(keep)>=50000:
if not i%1000: print('Done: %d'%i)
Done: 0
Done: 1000
Done: 2000
Done: 3000
Done: 4000
Done: 5000
Done: 6000
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Done: 8000
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Done: 50000
Finally, write those out to a file so that we can use them elsewhere:
Use a similarity threshold for the pairs using MFP1 bits.
curs.execute('set rdkit.tanimoto_threshold=0.55')
for i,row in enumerate(qs):
curs.execute("select chembl_id,m from rdk.mols join (select chembl_id,molregno from rdk.tfps_smaller "
"join chembl_id_lookup on (molregno=entity_id and entity_type='COMPOUND') "
"where mfp1%%morgan_fp(%s,1) "
"and chembl_id!=%s limit 1) t2 using (molregno) "
"limit 1",(row[1],row[0]))
d = curs.fetchone()
if not d:
if len(keep)>=50000:
if not i%1000: print('Done: %d'%i)
Done: 0
Done: 1000
Done: 2000
Done: 3000
Done: 4000
Done: 5000
Done: 6000
Done: 7000
Done: 8000
Done: 9000
Done: 10000
Done: 11000
Done: 12000
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Done: 50000